
Letter to: Yamuna, Harsarani , Los Angeles , 1968-01-15

My Dear Yamuna devi and Harsarani devi,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter, undated, and I can understand that in some points you disagree with Gargamuni but you have not clearly mentioned what is this point of disagreement. So far I know, Gargamuni's activities are approved by the president Jayananda, and so far I know Gargamuni, he has a business tactfulness, but his aim is to help the society financially. Whatever he does is not for his personal interest but for the interest of the society. If you have any specific grievance, please let me know, but don't be disturbed by any sort of disagreement with your God-brothers and sisters. Each and every living entity is an individual soul and as such disagreement is quite possible in our dealings with one another but we have to consider the central point of interest. You are both very intelligent sober girls and I have got good estimation of you; do not take at any time an attitude of non-cooperation because you may have not agreed with another's point of view. I have heard about the incidents created by a new devotee, Jivanuga. He appears to be a crazy fellow. He should not have been initiated, but I have given him a chance to improve. Next time I am not going to initiate anybody who has not attended our classes at least for 3 months, and is not recommended by the leading members of the society. Less intelligent persons cannot take to Krishna Consciousness. Please let me know what is your specific grievance, but I request you not to become disturbed. The plan of your husband and yourself, Yamuna, of going to India is approved by me, I am simply waiting for the place where you shall stay. I have already informed this matter to Guru das and he is preparing for this. We shall require at least one dozen students to go to India and stay there at least for 6 months, and be completely trained up on our line of activities. The place which I am arranging by negotiation with authorities will be sufficient of accommodating at least 50 students and if Krishna gives us that place it will be a great success.

Physically and mentally we may be disturbed sometimes, but we have to stand erect on the spiritual platform. I may inform you in the connection that I am at the present moment physically unfit; I am having always a buzzing sound in my brain. I cannot sleep soundly at night, but still I am working because I try to be in my position of spiritual platform. I hope you shall try to understand me right, and do the needful. Hope you are well.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami