
Letter to: The Manager Syndicate Bank , 1975-11-11

Juhu Road, Juhu, BOMBAY 400 054

Dear Sir:
I refer to Fixed Deposit No. 024337/1475 dated 11/7/75 in my personal name A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami for Rs. 1,41,186/01 date due is 10/10/75.

This Fixed Deposit Receipt is in Vrindaban, and you may note down that this Fixed Deposit should be extended for three months from the due date. On my return I shall present the Fixed Deposit Receipt to you for necessary action.

Also, regarding Fixed Deposit No. 024364/1689 for Rs. 86,275/98 due date 3/11/75, this Fixed Deposit should be extended for three months from the due date.

You may reply to me at the above address in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami