Letter to: Tamala Krsna, Giriraja, Manusvi , Vrindaban , 1972-11-07
My dear Tamala Krishna, Giriraja, and Manusvi,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 4th November, 1972, and in reply I have sent one telegram, as follows: "We must have land according to purchase agreement. Letter follows. Bhaktivedanta Swami." So further to telegram, if Mr. Nair pays back all our money, total of Rs. 2,77,500/-, if this is returned immediately, then we don't take any action and we vacate immediately and peacefully. But if he does not repay and we do not vacate, then we must have that land at any cost on the purchase agreement. You only want to file criminal suit. No, we shall take civil steps also. Our point is to try to get the land according to the original agreement. Even the land is not bargain, that doesn't matter. Don't change. If we have to pay two lakhs rupees a year, what is that? My position from the very beginning has been, give us our money back, we vacate, otherwise we take legal steps for acquiring the land according to the purchase agreement, as well as steps for insuring our protection, that's all. So work according to this plan and keep me informed.
What have you done regarding the permission from Charity Commissioner? That is essential, take that permission immediately.
What is the programme for Hyderabad? Bhavananda has not yet sent the tickets for train or plane-fare, neither anything definite has been informed us. Whether there will be nice arrangement for deities there, and which deities they are putting there? Please inform.
Hoping this meets you all in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami