Letter to: Swami Sachchidanand Bharati , Perth, Australia , 1975-05-11
Swami Sachchidanand Bharati
c/o Mohan Chand Agrawal
Dropadi Bhavan, Baldeo Ganj
Kosi Kalan (Mathura) U.P. INDIA
Dear Sir,
For the time being, we don't want the books you have mentioned in your letter dated 23-4-75. In the future, if we need any of them, we shall let you know. In the meantime, if you have got any source for distributing our books (English), the list is enclosed herewith. If you want the complete catalog, you can get it from our Vrndavana temple: Krishna Balarama Temple, Raman Reti, Vrndavana, Dist. Mathura.
Thank you.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami