
Letter to: Sukadeva 4 , England , 1973-08-20

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the enclosed pictures of your Altar. Everything appears very very nice and I am very much pleased, thank you so much.

On your recommendation I accept the boys named by you for first initiation. Their names are as follows.

D.A. Norton Jr. - Abhinanda Das

N.P. Coty - Nistula Das

G.J. Folsy - Simha Das

S.D. Kadetz - Sura Das

R.E. Smith - Ragamathani Dasi

D.A. Gilles - Samharina Dasi

P.J. Walter - Vidhatri Dasi

T.L. Joyce - Tripuramalini Dasi

Hold a fire ceremony, and distribute sumptuous prasadam to one and all.

I hope this letter meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Sriman Sukadeva Das Adhikary
400 18th Ave. E.
Seattle, Washington 98112