
Letter to: Sri Kamalapati Tripathi , Perth, Australia , 1975-05-07

Sri Kamalapati Tripathi
Minister of Railways
Government of India, New Delhi

My dear Sri Kamalapati Tripathi,

Please accept my Namaskara. Since I met you in New Delhi, I went to Kuruksetra to attend the meeting of Manava Dharma organized by Sri G.L. Nanda. The enclosed letter to Mr. Nanda will speak for itself how I appreciated the grand place of Kuruksetra. I wish to organize this holy spot for spreading Krishna Consciousness all over the world and the suggestions that I have given to Mr. Nanda may be carefully read by you also. And I shall be glad to know whether any co-operation from your side is possible in this attempt. I shall be glad to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami