
Letter to: Sri Ballavh , Geneva , 1974-06-04

Taipei, Taiwan

My dear Sri Ballavh,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 26, 1974 and I have examined the contents.

I am very concerned to hear you have left the association of Trivikrama Swami and the devotees in the temple in Taiwan. For one thing you cannot remain in firm Krsna Consciousness without the association of devotees and for another thing you were being counted on to make a strong contribution to the mission in Taiwan. We must stand united. If the few men we have in a far away place like Taiwan become scattered, then we will not be able to stand. I know you are always experiencing difficulties in living with devotees, but we must be tolerant and endure the personal differences, being humbler than a blade of grass, and stick to our duties to the spiritual master.

From your enclosed brochures I see you were developing a very promising business for selling incense, but if you are apart from the society, then how can you continue. I cannot send you five thousand dollars for your business as you request. You must again join with the devotees in our ISKCON community.

In any case do not abandon the regulative principles and be certain to always chant sixteen rounds daily. That will save you from maya. I know you are a sincere disciple, because you are always returning to our camp even though you go away. Krsna will not let you withdraw. But I am hoping that you will soon become sober enough to join with us and stick with determination. working together on behalf of Krsna and completely forgetting the material condition of life.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami