
Letter to: Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd , Delhi , 1961-03-31

Deputy Manager,
The Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd.
Scindia House, Dougall Road
ballard estate, Bombay-1.

Dear Sir,

Kindly refer to your letter No. OPD/FREE/369 dated 30/12/58 and I beg to inform you that you agreed to give me 50% concession from India to U.S.A. and I had to postpone my journey for not being able to pay you even 50% charges. I am a Sannyasi and my expenses for propagting the transcendental message is borne by the philanthrophist every where. Recently I have been invited by the Japanese friends to attend an international Congress for Cultivating Human spirit and the copy of the invitation certificate will speak for itself.

I shall therefore request you to give me full concession for going and coming back from Japan. India has to teach the world for cultivating human spirit and we are meant for this purpose. Please therefore cooperate with us broadcasting the message of cultivating human spirit and increase India's original culture of spiritual value for which counties outside India are always eager to have it.

An early reply to my above camp address will enable me to arrange for my journey to Japan.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Yours faithfully,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

True Copy. Certificate.
From the International Foundation for Cultural Harmony.
PO Box No. 43, Numazi City, Japan.

To Whom it may concern.

This is to certify that Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami 1/859, Kesi Ghat P.O. Vrindaban (Mathura) U.P. India, is a bona fide visitor to the "CONGRESS FOR CULTIVATING HUMAN SPIRIT" will be held under the auspices of the International Foundation for Cultural Harmony from the 10th May through the 24th May this year 1961 at the important places in Japan.

It is understood that lodging and boarding arrangements during the period will made and payed by us.

It would be a great favor if necessary passport and a visa to visit Japan are passed to him to make his arrival in Japan before the 10th May 1961.

sd/-Toshihiro Nakano

General Secretary

International Foundation for Cultural Harmony

N.B. Japan is far nearer than U.S.A. and therefore your sacrifice for travel to Japan even in full concession will be not more than 50% concession to U.S.A. I hope therefore you will agree to this international cultural harmony and let me know your affirmation per return of post.

Thanking you once more.

Yours etc.