
Letter to: Sacisuta , Allston, Mass , 1968-05-30

My Dear Sacisuta,

Please accept my blessings. I am very glad to receive your letter dated May 26, 1968, along with beads, and I am so pleased that you are seeking for being initiated. So, after due chanting I am sending both your beads by separate first class post parcel. Receive it and chant without any offense. The 10 kinds of offenses are like this:

Blaspheming the Lord's devotee

Considering the Lord and the demigods on the same level—or assuming there are many gods

Neglecting the orders of the spiritual master

Minimizing the authority of the Scriptures

Interpreting the Holy Name of God

Committing sin on the strength of chanting

Instructing the glories of the Lord's Name to the unfaithful

Comparing the Holy Name with material piety

Inattention while chanting the Holy Name

Attachment to material things while engaged in the practice of chanting

So you follow those principles as well as the four restrictive rules, namely;

No addiction to indulgence in any form of intoxication, including coffee, tea and cigarettes

No illicit sexual relationships

Must be strictly vegetarian

No gambling

And the other standard practices for initiated devotees:

Must attend evening and morning classes

Should not extensively mix with non-devotees

Should not eat food cooked by non-devotees

Should not waste time in idle talks

Should not become engaged in frivolous sports

Should always chant and sing the Lord's Holy Names

Chanting as enunciated by Lord Caitanya is the only means for spiritual realization in this age of dissension. So chant at least 16 rounds daily, and for other help you can ask assistance from your elderly God-brothers.

Hope you are well.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami