
Letter to: Rocana , Bombay , 1974-11-21


My Dear Rocana Das,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due reciept of your letter date October 28th, 1974. I have replied your previous letter of September 17th 1974 and a copy of that letter is enclosed herewith. I am very glad to note of how you are increasing the "Back To Godhead" distribution there in such a remote place. Our "Back To Godhead" is the backbone of our movement so we should always be thinking how to increase it increase it increase it. I note that your are installing Gaura-Nitai deities on Govardhana Puja, please send me the report of how the festival went on.

Regarding the initiations the devotees which you have recommended I am herewith initiating and their names are as follows. Don—Dharmaprana Dasa. Jean Citrakera Dasa. Claudia—Cklamahara Devi Dasi. Kathy—Kamalaksi Devi Dasi.

I hope this meet you in good health,

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

N.B. You can hold a fire sacrifice for the initiated disciples. The beads may be sent to Kirtanananda Swami or Tamala Krishna Goswami for being chanting upon.