
Letter to: Puranjana , Bombay , 1974-04-07

Bhaktivedanta Manor

Dear Puranjana,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 3, 1974 and I have noted the contents carefully.

Because of the critical condition of affairs at Bhaktivedanta Manor and Bury Place London, and the inability of present managers to work out a solution together, I have asked Hansadutta to go there immediately and take charge of the situation. It is not good that things have deteriorated to such a stage as you describe in your letter, but let us try to rectify and save the situation. I myself will be traveling to Paris in the second week of May, for a tour of European cities, and I will meet with Hansadutta then as well as other leaders, and we will make a decision for the permanent leadership of the centers.

For the time being work with Hansadutta and stop the bickering and conflicting camps. You must work hard to absolve the debts you have massed so we will not lose our standing there. If everyone is strictly chanting at least 16 rounds daily and reading the books and observing the regulative principles then management will be at our finger's end, and there will be no difficulty in maintaining Krsna Consciousness.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
