
Letter to: Natalie Orloff


Dear Natalie Orloff;

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 5th, and am glad that you have had the opportunity to be in our temples in Toronto and Montreal and that you enjoyed the association of the devotees. Forgetfulness of Krishna means an unhealthy state of life which is symptomized by so many problems and distresses. So if we want to attain our natural happy state of life of full satisfaction, we must again take to the shelter of Krishna. Therefore we have established the Krishna consciousness movement, to let people attain again this healthy state of life. I hope you will continue to chant Hare krishna and carefully study our books which will guide you every step of the way to successful spiritual life.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
