
Letter to: Nadia , Los Angeles , 1974-01-11

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Nadia das, Mayapur das and Godrumia das;

Please accept my blessings. Gurukrpa Maharaja has recommended you for first initiation, and I have accepted you as my disciples. Your spiritual names follow respectively:

Eddie Yazegean—Nadia das

Ron Pala—Mayapur das

Jesse Mathis—Godrumia das

I am also accepting Kritagama and Pundarika das Brahmacaris for the second, Brahminical initiation. Your sacred threads chanted on by me are enclosed, as well as gayati mantra. Please secure the tape of me chanting gayatri mantra from the temple president there and hear it through the right ear, under his supervision. Receive further instructions on brahminical life from Gurukrpa Maharaja.

I am very pleased that you are working together on travelling sankirtana to collect funds for Mayapur and Vrindaban. Please distribute as many of our books as possible and Krsna will be very pleased. And always be vigilant that you do not grow lax in following the regulative principles and always chanting 16 rounds at least, every day without fail.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
