Letter to: Mukunda, Nara-narayana, Jeffrey Coker, Lan, Mandakini, Aditi, Tribhuvanatha, Jaya Hari, Sananda Kumara, Vivienne, Neville Carr, Nicolas, Charlie, Serena, Ranchor, Pratajas, Phillip, Jill, Nigel, James Gavin Statt, Devadatta, Draupadi, Dhru... , Bombay , 1971-06-12
TO: Mukunda, Nara Narayana, Jeffrey Coker, Lan, Mandakini, Aditi, Tribhuvanatha, Jaya Hari, Sananda Kumara, Vivienne, Neville Carr, Nicolas, Charlie, Serena, Rancor, Pratajas, Phillip, Jill, Nigel, James Gavin Statt, Devadatta, Draupadi, Dhruvananda, Devaki, John, Jim, Greg, Jaya Jagadisa, John.
My Dear Sons and Daughters,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your very kind letters post dated 2nd June, 1971. You will be glad to know that very soon I am coming to London, and will be there for participating in the Rathayatra festival also. On the 20th June I will be going to Moscow for five days. From there I will go to Paris to see their new temple and from Paris I am going directly to London, by the end of this month.
You write to say that you are expecting 50,000 people to participate in the festival this year. That is very encouraging. So all of you work very fervently to make the festival a grand success and Krishna will surely bless each and every one of you. I am going there to London and Syamasundara and Aravinda are going with me and probably Hansadutta and his wife will also come.
Hoping this will meet you all in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami