
Letter to: Mr. Toshihiro Nakano , Delhi , 1961-04-01

Mr. Toshihiro Nakano
Secretary General
International Foundation for Cultural Harmony.
P.O. BOX No. 43, Numazi City

Dear Mr. Toshihiro Nakano,

I beg to inform you that while I was on tour a letter from you was received in the office and it was sent to me on my tour. Unfortunately the same is missing and I shall be obliged if you please send me a copy of the same by return post. The subject matter of your letter under reference was, however, noted and as such I have dispatched to your address one copy of EASY JOURNEY TO OTHER PLANETS and the pictographical explanation of spiritual culture 21 typed pages per separate air mail book-post (Regd). Kindly acknowledge receipt and oblige. I have sent you about 20 pictographical illustrative ideas and explanations. There are more 30 also but considering that you may feel difficulty to get all these 50 pictures printed and published within such short time, I have sent you only 20 pictographical ideas. But if you think that I can send you the remaining 30 pictographical explanations also, you may let me know at once and I shall do the needful.

For the present I have come to Delhi from Vrindaban and am staying at the above camp address. You can therefore address for the time being at my abovementioned camp address.

My small booklet Easy Journey to Other Planets is a novel step towards the path of cultivating Human spirit. The Russian scientists are trying to reach other planets by sputniks but such attempt is more or less utopian. There are innumerable planets, within the visible sky and each of them have different climatic conditions. Human being of this planet can hardly adjust with the climatic conditions of other planets even if he is able to reach there by the sputniks. The easy method is suggested in my book which is called Bhakti-yoga easy to be performed by any layman in any part of the world. By such practice of Bhakti-yoga one can reach even the spiritual sky which is far far away from this material sky. But the propagation of Human Spiritual Culture, your institution the International Foundation for Cultural Harmony, can teach all the people of the world about the easy method of Bhakti-yoga which can carry the practitioner to any other planets even up to the spiritual sky. They are all results of cultivating Human Spirit. And if you take up the matter seriously, I can help you also very seriously in cooperation with all important gentlemen who will arrive at Japan from every corner of the world. Please therefore think of a programme for execution by your good Foundation.

My advance copy of speech, which I have already sent you, together with the pictographical explanation, may be formed into one book and the pictures may be drawn in colorful expressive tone by your good Japanese artist. Japan is famous for artistic work and India is famous for spiritual culture. We should now combine together for uplifting the unhappy human being from the muddy things of gross materialism.

The Book may be published under the auspices of your good foundation and if you like it we can publish many other books for cultivating Human spirit.

When I go to Japan I shall carry with me some important mss of my works and if possible we shall get them published for every one's benefit.

After the session of your organized session of the Congress I wish to make an extensive tour in Japan, China and U.S.A. for preaching the Cult of Human Spirit and I shall be glad if you consider this proposal with due importance.

All great sages of the world like Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Hazrat Mohammed, Acarya Sankara, Acarya Ramanuja, Lord Caitanya, all lived for enlightening men on this culture of Human spirit. And men like us should follow their footprints for all round welfare of the human society. Your Foundation has rightly taken up the cause in due time and I have my full cooperation with you. Hope you are well.

Thanking you in anticipation for an early reply.

Yours sincerely,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami