
Letter to: Mr. K. M. Diwanji , Calcutta , 1972-02-24

Mr. K. M Diwanji
c/o Ambhabhai and Diwanji Attorneys-at-law,
Lentin Chamber 2nd Floor,
Dalai Street
Fort Bombay-1

My dear Diwanji,

Please accept my greetings. I have heard from my disciples in Bombay that Mr. A. B. Nair is a little anxious to settle the financial side of our Sales Agreement for the Juhu property, so I am enclosing in his wife's name a check no. CT/A-T 492829 drawn on the Central Bank of India, Head Office, Fort, Bombay-1, for the sum of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty-thousand only), to bring to one lakh of rupees the amount we have paid Mrs. Nair to date as per our Sales Agreement. Now you may please hand over the check to Mrs. Nair, and you can assure Mr. Nair that the balance one lakh I shall pay him immediately upon my return to Bombay during the first week of March.

Meanwhile, I shall be very grateful to you if you will have finished your clearing of the deeds and other matters, so that the conveyance deed will be ready to sign by both parties. The Deed of Conveyance should be made in the name of "A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Founder-Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness." Again, you may assure the vendors that I shall transfer the balance sum of Rs. 100,000 immediately as the conveyance deed is completed, during the first week of March.

Thanking you once again, I beg to remain

Yours in the service of Krishna,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

cc. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Nair/Theosophical Colony/Juhu/Bombay.
Gargamuni Swami/ISKCON Bombay.