
Letter to: Mr. B. D. Joshi , Los Angeles , 1972-05-23

Mr. B.D. Joshi
608 Hagen Blvd.
El Cerrito, California 94520

My dear B. D. Joshi,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 18, 1972 and I thank you very much for your cordially welcoming me back to Los Angeles. Your letter is very nice and you have praised me very highly so again I thank you you very much. Your son came to see me the other day so if you have time you may also come to see me by making an appointment* with my secretary and I shall be very glad to welcome you here along with your family members. I have decided not to give Jayananda das the sannyasa order of life at this time, let him wait. I shall be going to Mexico city around June 1st for a few days so if you come here you may come either before that time or after I shall return.

Meanwhile, I hope this letter finds you and your good family in strong health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

*or any day at 6 p.m.