Letter to: Kunj Bihari Shastri , Perth, Australia , 1975-05-11
Mathura, U.P., India
My dear Kunj Bihari Shastri,
I am in due receipt of your note. Your desire to stay with us for regular recitation of the Srimad-bhagavatam is welcome. So, for a few days, you can stay with us and see how it will be suitable for you. But, one thing is the language difficulty. All our men are speaking in English. Still, you can make an experiment and if you like, then you can live with us provided you follow our rules and regulations. Just now, I am on tour and I shall be glad to receive your reply to my Honolulu address as follows: 51 Coelho Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Then I shall do the needful.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami