
Letter to: Ksirodakasayi — Unknown Place, Unknown Date

Please accept my blessings.

We are getting a good opportunity to possess a nice house and a press in Vrndavana. So instead of making your headquarters in Delhi, if you live in Vrndavana and manage the printing affair and gradually develop a large press—what do you think of this idea? As you are conversant in both Hindi and English, you can train up some of our American and European students to speak Hindi. We can have a large center in Vrndavana. Please think this over and let me have your opinion as soon as possible.

From Delhi, Vrndavana is not far. From Vrndavana you can easily go to Delhi, even daily. Many people of Vrndavana go to Delhi early in the morning and in the evening come back. Of course it is not a daily business, but our Delhi business can also be conducted if we make our headquarters in Vrndavana. Hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami