
Letter to: Ksirodakasayi Adhikari , London , 1971-09-06


Dear Sir:

You are requested herewith to proceed to Delhi as soon as possible and be appointed there as Treasurer of the Delhi branch of our society registered in Bombay under the Societies Registration Act of 1860, Maharashtra State, Registration no. Bom. 225/70/70 GBBSD.

As treasurer of the branch, you will sign the checks of our banking account there jointly along with the president or secretary. Besides your post as treasurer you shall be in charge of the Hindi publication department. As such you are authorized to sign relative papers and documents in this connection on behalf of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, jointly or severally as it is needed. Your signature is herewith attested duly.

(Ksirodakasayi Das Adhikari)

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Syamasundara Das Adhikari
