
Letter to: John Milner , Bombay , 1971-03-24

Tallahassee, Florida

My Dear John Milner,

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have noted the contents. I am so glad to hear how both yourself and Harold Kanter have been working so nicely under the guidance of Gargamuni Maharaja, to push on Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Sankirtana Movement there in Tallahassee, Florida. Now I have word that both Gargamuni Maharaja as well as Brahmananda Maharaja, have gone to Pakistan, as to my request. So who is now in charge of Tallahassee center? If there are any questions which may arise, you may correspond with Satsvarupa, the governing body representative for Southern U.S.A. and he will be able to help you. Your preaching program there sounds very encouraging and I am glad to note how you are approaching university officials, etc. with our philosophy. Go on in this way and Krishna will surely help you. The more you preach in schools and universities and distribute our books, that will be the success of our missionary propoganda.

So far as your taking initiation from Brahmananda Maharaja, I have no objection, but it is the etiquette that in the presence of one's Spiritual Master, one does not accept disciples. In this connection, Swami Brahmananda may write me and I will instruct him.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
