
Letter to: Jayatirtha , Delhi , 1971-12-09

Los Angeles

My dear Jayatirtha,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter and posters dated October 14, 1971, and I am very pleased by the posters. I am very very pleased by your diligent and careful management of our Spiritual Sky business. Your success is a good sign that you are completely surrendered to satisfying Krishna and that there is no material motive in your endeavors, that is why Krishna is rewarding you so nicely. I can understand from your work that you are first-class devotee. I fully approve of your program for distributing the posters and utilizing the profits to print more books. I understand from Karandhara that you will be setting up another ISKCON Press in Los Angeles to engage our New York Press in transcendental competition for printing my books. Competition and profiteering spirit are always there in the living entity. It is not that they can be artificially removed in some manner. Factually we saw in Russia that by removing competition and profit calculation from society the people were not at all happy, and still these things are going on. So we shall not expect that we are any different. Only difference is, that our profit is for Krishna's pleasure, and our competition is how to please Krishna more than someone else. Even amongst the Gopis there is competition to please Krishna, and there is envy also. But this envy is not material, it is transcendental. They are thinking, Oh, she has done something more wonderful than me, that is very nice, but now let me do something even more wonderful, like that. So I am pleased that you desire for competition with your godbrothers to spread Krishna Consciousness Movement all over the world by printing our books there. Why not use the poster profits to print books in L.A.? When I shall come there, perhaps by late Spring, my translation work will be greatly accelerated if you provide me such facilities. I want that our literatures be profusely distributed, so if you can assist me in this way by your Spiritual Sky business, I am greatly satisfied.

Karandhara and you are sincere workers, so Krishna will give you intelligence. So go on with your program nicely. In every case always remember Krishna so intelligence will come from within. I am very glad the deity worship is going so nicely. They look very glowing, and that is very satisfying to me. When I shall go to Los Angeles very soon, I shall take transcendental pleasure in offering my obeisances to Them.

I have asked my secretary, Syamasundara, to add a note to each letter I dictate informing that party that now we have got nice posters in Los Angeles and that they may order as many as possible from you and Karandhara.

I hope this will meet you in good health and pleasant mood,

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
