
Letter to: Jayapataka, Bhavananda , Bombay , 1972-01-17

My Dear Jayapataka and Bhavananda,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 5, Madhava, 485, and January 4, 1972, and I am very pleased that all the programs are going on nicely, such as land purchase, Mayapur project, deity worship, etc. And I thank you very much for the Yellow Fever Certificate. I shall be leaving for Africa on the 24th morning, returning probably by February 1st. I have sent the airline ticket for Aravinda to return to USA. Make sure he gets it safely.

Now that Gurudasa is there you try combinedly your best to get the permits for all the devotees in India to be allowed into Nadia district, and you can get the Governor to lay the foundation-stone. Then everything will be very successful and auspicious for our Mayapur scheme. I have received the plan from Bhavananda and it is nice. Please try very hard to get those permits, as we must be all assembled there for Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day.

So far Acyutananda's book is concerned, I have already written that you should try to collect at least 50% of the printing costs there, and all of the costs if you can, but the Book Fund, if absolutely necessary, will pay up to 50%. So far the other books in English which you mention, if you find a good printer you may order the plates to be sent here from Karandhara and they must be printed immediately. If such books are inexpensively available to all Indian people, that will give our preaching work a great boost, so try for it very seriously.

I hope this will find you in good health and happy mood.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

n.b. So far the house is concerned, don't worry. Stay where you are and continue to send him rent money. If he refuses to accept it, then lodge the money with the rent court. Even if he tries to take us to court it will take years, so there is no immediate danger. If you pay rent regularly on or before the 15th of succeeding month, then there is no law in the world which can move you an inch forever. So unless we have our own place in Calcutta we cannot vacate the house.