
Letter to: Isho Kumar , Los Angeles , 1972-05-26

Sriman Isho Kumar Puri
c/o Atmaram & Sons, Book Publishers
Kashmiri Gate, Delhi-6, INDIA

My Dear Isho Kumar,

Please accept my blessings and offer my respects for your father Mr. Puri. Since I saw you and your father in Delhi in November, 1971, I did not see you any more. Now we are thinking of publishing our books in India, both in Hindi and English languages. So I shall be very glad if you are interested in publishing my books. Here In America, Europe, Canada, et cetera, we are selling our books in huge quantities. At the present moment we are publishing our books in Japan, because in India there is no high class printing. But now just to supply cheap books in India, I want to publish there, so I shall be glad to know if you are interested in publishing both our Hindi and English literatures. On hearing from you I shall send my representative, Sriman Gurudasa Adhikari, whose address is c/o Radha Damodara Mandir, Seva Kunj, Vrndavana, U.P.

Now you kindly consult with your father and if you are serious to take up the matter, then I will send you the matter for your immediate attention. If you are interested to publish my works that will be very much suitable to me and profitable for both of us, But if that is not possible, you please introduce us to one nice press and we can print on our own account, and you can be the selling agent. In both ways I am very much anxious to revive the old connection.

Now our society is well known both in India and around the world and in India we have got our headquarters in Bombay, Vrndavana, Calcutta, Mayapur and very soon we shall have our center in Delhi also. Besides that we are exporting our Hindi books especially to Africa, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other places where there are Hindu communities in the world. So if you get opportunity to see any of our places either in India or we have got over 100 centers in other parts of the world, I cordially invite you to stay with us and see how the things are going on.

Meanwhile, I hope this letter meets you and your good family in the very best of health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
