
Letter to: Harikesa Swami , 1977-04-28

Wolfgang - Varanga-dasa
Bernhard - Viruddha-sakti-dasa
Harbet - Hrtpati-dasa
Martin - Marutsuta-dasa
Elizabeth - Indukanti-dasi
Gertrude - Girvani-dasi
Brigitte - Bhramaraksi-dasi
Inge - Indukanti-dasi

I am enclosing sanctified threads for Pavanesana, Airavata, Ajata das, and Kamadhena das. Also gayatri mantra is enclosed. Have them hear the tape through the right ear, and hold a fire yajna. Instruct them to firmly follow the rules and regulations.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

His Holiness
Harikesa Swami
6241 Schloss Rettershof
uber Konigstein/Ts
West Germany