Letter to: Hanuman, Amogha, Gopala , Bombay , 1971-03-28
My Dear Hanuman, Amogha, Gopala,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated 19th and 23d March, 1971 and have noted the contents carefully. I have also received your telegram and I have already informed you that if need be I am prepared to go there but when things are completely matured. I hope you will consult Bali Mardan in this connection. Upon receipt of your last letter, I have sent one telegram to Kamala Devi, in care of Hanuman, reading as follows: HANUMAN DAS INFORMS ABOUT YOUR DONATION OF LAND AND TEMPLE. I THANK YOU VERY MUCH WITH BLESSINGS OF LORD KRISHNA. SHALL BE GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU FURTHER IN THIS CONNECTION—BHAKTIVEDANTA SWAMI, FOUNDER—ISKCON.
Your reports of Sankirtana activities are all very much encouraging. It seems that there is great potential there for spreading our Krishna Consciousness Movement in Malaysia. So work with determination and sincerity and Krishna will give you all facility.
Hoping this will meet you all in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami