
Letter to: Giriraja, Cyavana , Tokyo , 1972-04-25

My Dear Giriraja and Cyavana,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 16, 1972, along with sketches and plans, etc. Thank you very much. The report is quite encouraging to me, and I think that the way you are proceding is nice. But one thing is, I have included one photograph of our proposed skyscraper to be built up in Los Angeles at ISKCON World Headquarters, and so I want that our skyscraper in Juhu should also be looking like this. I do not like the round towers you have proposed, it is too fanciful. Simply add Govindaji's temple, as you and Saurabha have drawn it, add it onto this skyscraper in the enclosed photo, then you will have per Juhu plan. Monsoon in Bombay begins in middle of June, and last year it was early, in May, so how you can get all drawings finish approved by city council and begin the foundations before monsoon. I do not think it is possible, but you can try for it, that is right.

Another thing, your selling at Rs. 100/- 120/- is too high. At most we should ask about Rs. 80/-. Our project is to receive guests and sell flats to devotees. Indira said many there are men devotees in Bombay who are anxious for such association, so she will be very much expert in seeking out customers for the flats, so you should take all help from her, she is very important lady and also very much convinced by our philosophy. Tea-drinking may be allowed a little, but no meat, drinking, gambling, like that. So on these considerations we are prepared to give some concessional rate to devotees for living with us there.

It is a nice proposal to lay down the foundation all together but then I think we shall have to move the pandal and make many other adjustments. All of these things should be considered carefully, such as having to remove the semi-permanent pandal, before beginning. Our Juhu place has got so many trees, so they will bear the heaviness of the rains and winds, and these will not be very much felt. Try to save as many of the trees as possible.

You may take money from Mr. Jayan in Calcutta if you require. Either in books or in cash, you will be supplied. I have just heard from Karandhara that he has dispatched several thousand paperback editions of Krishna Book to Bombay, so you may make arrangement how to sell these immediately, and for CCP permission you correspond with Gurudasa in Vrindaban. If you get from Mr. Jayan, simply hold in safe deposit box, and, as required, withdraw in smaller amounts and enter in the books as "Chit Collection," or "Misc. Contributions," or like that. One thing, how much you have deposited since I left India? I want to see a copy of each months' Building Fund Account statement for my records also, so Mahamsa may send regularly. I think that you are both doing very nicely in all respects there, along with Mahamsa and Saurabha, and I am putting all trust and confidence in you all nice boys to perfect this Juhu scheme for Krishna's pleasure. Thank you all very very much.

Now we are here in Japan until May 6th, then we are going to Hawaii until about 20th of May, then to Los Angeles. Hoping this will find you all in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
