Letter to: Dr. B. N. Shukla , Vrindaban , 1976-09-18
Dr. B. N. Shukla
2, Drivatsa, Bhwati Nagar
1 Morris Rd
Aligar (U.P.)
Dear Dr. Shuka,
Please accept my greetings. I am very glad to receive your letter dated September 9, 1976 and have noted the contents. I am glad to hear that you are coming to see me. Sriman Surendra Natha was to come here on the 15th, but he has not yet come. Anyway if he is coming I shall be glad to see you along with him.
I am here in Vrndavana at least until 8th October, if not longer, and I hope to see you in the meantime. I hope this meets you in good health and I await your arrival.
Thanking you,
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami