Letter to: Brahmananda Maharaja , 1977-04-10
Hare Krishna Land
Juhu Rd., Juhu
Bombay 400 054
My dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated 5th April, 1977.
Yes, try to pick up Chayavan Swami. He seems to want to do some good for the African people but you must convince him that besides Krishna Consciousness all other so-called welfare work is simply a waste of time.
Nava Yogindra has for a long time wanted to serve me personally as you know. I do not want to force him to return. There are many things to arrange before the new house in Mombassa can actually be acquired. For the time being Nava Yogindra Maharaja suggests Ajamil das Brahmacary can be an able person to work in his place. Then later on we can consider about Nava Yogindra’s return.
Yes, by Krishna’s grace my health is slowly coming back. Here in Bombay my quarters are first class and the weather is also nice.
I hope this meets you well and enthusiastic to carry out the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami