
Letter to: Adi Kesava Swami , 1977-02-13

Sree Dham Mayapur
Dist Nadia, West Bengal, India

Dear Adi Kesava Maharaj,
Please accept my blessings.

I have received a very favorable testimony of our Movement from the President of Indian Brain Research Association, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Professor J.J. Ghosh. Dheera Krsna das, who obtained this letter writes that he has sent you a copy. This will help us, and therefore I want it printed in prominent newspapers, even if we have to pay them to print it as an advertisement. Papers like the New York Times and others should carry it. Please do the needful, and let us depend on Krsna.

Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
